“Attention and Its Discontents”

Ethan A Ethan A

Dear Cat

An open letter to my mom’s cat after a disturbing incident

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Ethan A Ethan A


Going with the flow will make you flat — how work, media, and biology conspire to render us less interesting over time.

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Ethan A Ethan A

The Gap Theory of Exceptional Success

The systems that govern our lives are prone to developing gaps. Remarkable, generational success comes from finding those gaps and exploiting them in an elegant way.

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Ethan A Ethan A

The real Defense Against the Dark Arts

Self-aware people can live openly, confidently vulnerable, forming meaningful connections with others on the basis of shared vulnerability, secure not behind overlapping walls, but secure in their ability to manipulate themselves better than anyone else can.

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Ethan A Ethan A

The Unnatural Practice of Attention

The natural equilibrium is attentional entropy. Learn the cracks and crevices and vulnerabilities of your attention. Practice resisting entropy and find your better, second nature.

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Ethan A Ethan A

A Product Request

As a... human concerned about the quality of my mind,
I want to... adjust my own dials,
so that... I can live rationally and in greater accord with my values.
Why do I need this product? The short answer is that I lack self-control. The long answer is... longer.

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Ethan A Ethan A

The Attention Value Problem

In this essay, I'll argue that your attention is worth a whole lot, with the help of a motley cast of concepts, including a definition of value devised by 18th-century economists.

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Ethan A Ethan A

Never Pooped On

Most people live a more carefree life; some small percentage of them, on any given day, will get pooped on. Then there are people like me, people who turn their eyes skyward every time a pair of wings darkens their path. I may never be pooped upon, but at what cost?

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